Subsquid Testnet Phase 1 Complete: 50,000+ Indexers Deployed!

22 December 2023 – And that’s a wrap! We wish a heartfelt congratulations to the entire Subsquid community on the successful completion of Phase 1 of the testnet! Over 30,000 of you came out in huge force, completing nearly 450,000 quests. Nearly 20,000 of you showed yourselves to be technical specialists, deploying just over 50,000 indexers to the network. 

This has without-a-doubt been one of the largest testnets of 2023. In terms of technical sophistication combined with numbers of developer participants, it could very well be the biggest testing phase for any data infrastructure network ever. We owe this success to you, our valued community, as well as to the fantastic support from CoinList, with whom we have collaborated for this event. 

Phase 2 starts on 15 January 2024. Enjoy your holiday season and rest up for an action-packed start to the near year! You might also want to sign up for the Subsquid Navigator Whitelist for some upcoming events. 

For a complete overview of the Subsquid Incentivized Testnet, follow this link. There's still time to join if you haven't already!

Get ready for Phase 2

Phase II (“The Panthalassa Era”) of the Subsquid Testnet will be focused on testing and building security for the mechanisms related to network rewards. This refers to worker node incentivisation.

Additionally, community members will test the delegation of tSQD to worker nodes. Therefore, the key functionalities that will be tested are (1) rewards for worker nodes, (2) delegations to workers, and (3) query validations. 

Here’s what you need to know to be ready:

  1. Node operators… shut off your nodes!
    Yes, you heard that right. Now’s the time to put your nodes to rest. We’ll begin onboarding you guys back into the testnet in January, so just wait for us to reach out. You can ask questions in the private node operators group on Telegram (you should be a member already, if not let us know!).
  2. Devs and community participants
    You guys have done a great job completing the technical and non-technical quests that were listed in the Subsquid Network App. New quests are coming in Phase II, but for this intermission time, we have turned off this part of the application. However, if you are a skilled coder, make sure to participate in the Subsquid Migration Marathon! You can find it on the Quests page in the Network App. You can also learn more about the event here
  3. Migration to Arbitrum Sepolia
    We will be joining the rest of the Ethereum and Arbitrum community in migrating our testnet operations from Goerli to Sepolia. Don't worry, your position on the leaderboard will remain as before!

Got questions? As always, the best place to go is the official Subsquid Discord server. Make sure to stay updated by following us on Telegram and Twitter